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Highway 404  Expansion, Highway 407ETR to Major Mackenzie Drive 

Hwy 404 Map 2.png


Estimated Schedule

It is estimated that the work will proceed as described below, however it is important to understand that work may be accelerated or delayed from this schedule due to any number of situations, included poor weather, strikes, unforeseen circumstances, changes, as well as low production.


Estimated Construction Schedule:



Demolition and rebuilding of the 16th Avenue Northbound overpass structure. Closures will be required for the demolition of the existing structure.  East-South Ramp Detours will be in place for construction of the new southbound overpass structure.  Upon completion of the new southbound 16th Avenue structure detours of the Ramps will be removed. Traffic will be reconfigured for the installation of overhead signs and walls, as well as median shoulder work at various locations throughout the construction zone.



Detours and closures will be in place for the lowering and widening 16th Avenue (work will include paving, lighting and traffic signals).  Upon completion of the 16th Avenue rehabilitation ramp detours will be in effect for the realignment of the 16th Avenue Ramp East-South and widening of the Ramp North-East/West.  Some of the ramp construction will be completed over weekends.  



Rehabilitation of the existing Hwy 404 pavement, during this time work will require revolving lane closures and temporary pavement markings.   Upon completion of the highway paving permanent pavement markings will be installed, and lane closures removed. The Hwy 404 HOV lanes are open.







Hwy 404 NB

Expect two lane closures during night time hours


Hwy 404 SB

Expect two lane closures during night time hours




For up to the minute roadway information, traffic cameras and detailed lane closure reporting check out Ontario 511




A construction contract has been awarded to Dufferin Construction to widen Highway 404 through the addition of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, from 1 km South of Highway 407 ETR to Major Mackenzie Drive.


Starting in the summer of 2019 the project is expected to be completed the end of October 2024.


Work will include:

  • Rehabilitation / replacement / widening of the following structures:

- Rouge River Bridge

- 16th Avenue Overpass

- Beaver Creek Bridge

- Highway 7 Overpass 

  • Expansion of Highway 404 to accommodate High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes

  • Paving and Highway Rehabilitation

  • Electrical, Traffic Signals,

  • Drainage improvements

  • Installation of Sewers, Catch Basins, Culverts, Guide Rails, Barrier & Tall Walls, and Overhead Sign Structures

  • Construction of Stormwater Management Ponds

  • Environmental work and protection


This project is part of the Highway 404 Design and Environmental Assessment Study from Green Lane to Highway 407ETR. 




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Sara Jackson

Contract Administrator

Highway Construction Inspection

117 Ringwood Drive, Unit 20

Stouffville, ON L4A 8C1

T 416-990-4865


Ryan Hawtin

Contract Services Administrator

Ministry of Transportation

Central Region Operations Office

159 Sir William Hearst Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M3M 0B7

P 705-220-0295


Maurizio Augurusa

Area Contracts Engineer

Ministry of Transportation

Central Region Operations Office

159 Sir William Hearst Avenue, 2nd Floor

Toronto, Ontario M3M 0B7

P 416-235-6700

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 416-990-4865 or fill out the following form


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